From June 8 – July 8, 2018, my Artist Colleague Sandy Buck and I took over the Gibsons Public Art Gallery with our interactive exhibit, A Beckoning 招手.

We showcased 4 recent and ongoing projects that we have collaborated on in the past 3 years. We wanted the exhibit to be as community-engaged as our projects are. From Low to High Tech, from Human Interaction to Digital Interaction, and with the art that surrounds us in Nature’s infinite wisdom and workings to the technology that can be utilized to further encourage creativity and imagination, this slideshow offers a taste of the opening night launch and the exhibit itself.

“I thought you might like to know that we counted 1,573 visits, which is something of a record for this period. Perhaps you saw the accolades in the Visitors’ Book. Pages of them!

Thank you for giving us this change to be so interactive! We were honoured to be able to showcase your ideas.”

Michael Aze
Gallery Manager
Gibsons Public Art Gallery



1 (604) 318.1843




Roberts Creek, BC